For Doctors

PACS Referrer Logon

For instant access to your patient’s report and images, click the button below and enter your username and password when prompted.

PDF Referral Forms

radiology imaging


Our Real-Time Diagnostic Image-Viewing Platform

InteleConnect offers real-time diagnostic image viewing and can be conveniently accessed through any web browser on your desktop. This platform is browser-based, providing flexibility and ease of use.

Key Features:

Secure login with your account credentials
View images and reports side by side for efficient review
Receive notifications for recent studies
Access previous patient images for comparison
Utilise Break Glass to view studies requested by other doctors for a comprehensive patient history
Browser-based access, usable on mobile devices (for non-diagnostic purposes) or from your home computer while awaiting urgent results 


Experience top-tier diagnostic viewing with InteleViewer advanced software, designed for high-speed performance across all services and bandwidths. Ensure the software is installed on your computer to utilise its full capabilities. You can download the diagnostic application directly onto your desktop PC using this link: Download InteleViewer.

Key Features:

Secure sign-in with your account credentials
High-quality diagnostic images (DICOM)
Comprehensive suite of image viewing tools
Capability to compare images with previous studies
Utilised by our Radiologists for reporting

If you don’t yet have an BR Imaging Account account, please register with InteleConnect. Please note completing the registration form does not automatically create an account. Your IntelePACS administrator will verify your information and contact you once your account is activated.

If you require any assistance, please contact:
Bayside Radiology –
Bundaberg Radiology –
Bolsover Radiology –
Beachside Radiology –

Hospital PACS Transfers

Best efforts will be made to action requests received within 24 hours – depending on volume, this could be extended to 72 hours. Requests received after-hours will be actioned the following business day.

Please send the completed form to the relevant clinic:,,,

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who does the Hospital contact to request images or any other query?
A: Please send the attached Image Transfer Request Form through to the contact details outlined above

Q: How do we make the request?
A: Requests are to be made in writing (via the transfer request form) and submitted via FAX or email. In clinically urgent situations, phone requests to our Radiology clinics with fast-tracked transfers on a case-by-case basis can be done. If not clinically urgent, our staff will advise the recipient to complete a PACS transfer request form to submit via email or FAX.

Q: Is there after-hours support? 
A: Requests received after-hours will be actioned the following business day. Alternatively, please use Inteleconnect and Inteleviewer for seamless image access.

 Q: How long will it take for a PACS Transfer Request to be actioned? 
A: If submitted following the process outlined above, we aim to deliver PACS transfer requests within 2 hours and up to 24 hours (or next business day). Please indicate on the transfer request form the required time frame.

Disclaimer: We are currently in the process of re-establishing our gateway connections to multiple hospitals. As of now, we are successfully able to facilitate transfers to Princess Alexandra Hospital, BreastScreen Queensland, and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. We are actively working on establishing additional connections in conjunction with Hospital PACS teams.

For all other hospitals, please continue to use InteleConnect or InteleViewer in the interim. You can find instructions for downloading DICOM data here.