General X-Ray

X-rays are used to create an image or picture of the body, and is the most common way of checking for broken bones and pneumonia (chest x-rays).

What is the test for?

To make an x-ray image of bones, short x-ray pulses illuminate the body or limb with radiographic film placed behind it. Any bones that are present absorb most of the photons from the x-ray.  When the film is developed the image is able to be seen in contrasting colours. The bone appears as a white shade, while any soft tissue or fracture will appear as a light grey or white shade.

What is the preparation for the test?


How is the test performed?

You will be asked to position yourself in order to take the image of the affected area and the technician will assist you with this. You will be asked to keep perfectly still for a short moment in order that the x-rays can be taken as required.

Will I feel anything?

You will not be able to feel the x-ray being taken. You may feel some discomfort during the position depending on your condition.

How long will it take?

About 10 minutes

More Information for Patients:
Info for Health Professionals:

bundaberg x-ray